Miranda Moss: artist, outsider-engineer, eco-geek and rogue educator (podcast interview)
Arts Research Africa podcast, Mar 2024
"In this podcast, we discuss how Miranda came to art practice and her first degree in Fine Art at Michaelis. We also examine her engagement with scientific research and her understanding of art as a form of research. We then explore, in some depth, her experience as an artist based in the laboratories of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape in Zurich and the impact that this had on her understanding of art and research. Finally, we unpack the work she did for her MA in Sustainable Design and her move into the world of Regenerative Energy and the potential applications of this thinking in South Africa.

Sol, vind och svampar / Sun, wind and mushrooms (podcast interview)
Humpodd podcast, Dec 2024
"In this episode of Humpodd, Anna-Karin Arvidsson and Jonas Svensson talk to Eric Snodgrass at the Department of Design. The conversation is about sustainability and focuses on projects that Eric has been involved in where the goal is to create conditions for sustainable cultivation, by integrating technology as part of a larger ecological system. The conversation includes references to a prototype for a wind turbine, constructed from recycled electronics and home-grown mushrooms."
Link: (brief intro is in Swedish and rest of the interview in English)

Wind as regeneration (plenary talk)
Vetenskapsrådet Symposium on artistic research in a time of change, Nov 2022
"...Using 'regeneration' as a framework for challenging dominant paradigms and imaginaries of renewable energy practices, this workshop hosted by Regenerative Energy Communities will share hands-on practices and fieldnotes on orienting towards wind as a way to nourish crossings between energy, culture, climate and biodiversity. Working at the micro to meso scale will invite workshop participants to meet with the pluralities of wind energy. To do so, we will introduce a range of what we characterize as regenerative methods and practices, including designing with compost-promoting regenerative materials, hybrid combinations of computational tools and biological processes, slow engineering, speculative poethics and a transdisciplinarity crossing situated within the longstanding and emerging innovations of various agroecological communities indebted to Black and decolonial farming movements.
In the workshop, R.E.C will introduce prototypes made during our research at VXO Farmlab, an experimental regenerative farm in Växjö, Sweden. Through storytelling, kinetic explorations, languaging and material immersion, we will delve into histories and possible futures of energy through wind, culminating in a network of mapping and also a series of functionally speculative, small scale prototypes. Bring your own practice, dreams and micro fantasies, make them collective and perhaps regenerative!"
Full abstract:

"Art + Science: There are No Clean Lines at the Edge with Zeenath Hasan from TheDirt and Regenerative Energy Communities"
Zurich Art Week, June 2023
"The initiators of the award winning project Co-Habitations introduce the Regenerative Energy Communities Collective. If we start with soil, how can we imagine cohabitations, and community transition-infrastructures to create practices that can flip paradigms, embrace grimy creativity and ferment revolt."
Video of talk:

The Kitchen Network: Anti-Fascism and Plants (collective keynote performance), with T.L. Cowan, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Helen Pritchard, Jas Rault
transmediale festival, Feb 2024
"The circulation of imagery and our ideas about food have become even further disconnected from their realities of production. Avocado toast, quinoa bowls, and baking sheet pasta. Competitive eaters, travelling vloggers, and ASMR instructional cooking videos. Trends on social media can dictate how you spend your time and money and influence how ingredients – plants and animals – become vessels of the virtual, gaining value, affecting landscapes and political ecologies as they rise and fall from our screens. But environments are media, too.
The participants of The Kitchen Network come together to work through a history of (food) media so that we are able to see how technology has come to extend itself into the world. The seemingly mundane, everyday material practice of food-making is drying out landscapes, fuelling territorial and regional wars. By bringing our attention to the kitchen, T.L. Cowan, Luiza Prado, Helen Pritchard, and Jas Rault confront us with the politics of distraction that occupy soils and environments. How do we manage relations with the world and its inhabitants – including each other? Wielding an array of ingredients, recipes, and formats, together they seek out the ways in which anti-fascism can be manifested from tools, recipes, and ingredients."
Conference link:

Other talks and conference presentations for the project:
"SIMBY – Sun in My Backyard", Vandalorum Museum för Konst och Design, Aug 2024,
"WHAT'S UP/Regenerative Energy Communities", Linnaeus University, Mar 2024,
"Infrastructuring Otherwise: Carbon Endings and Regenerative Practice", EcoArtLabn Nov 2023,
"Soiling renewables: dirty fieldnotes, smelly prototypes and other humus-filled offerings from Regenerative Energy Communities", Transdisciplinarity in the Environmental Humanities, University Oslo, Sep 2023,
"Human and Alterhuman Ecologies of Relation: Membra(I)nes between between Species, Geographies and Bodies", 12th Gender Studies Association’s Annual Conference: membra(I)nes, Jun 2023,
"Regenerative Energy", CoCreate week, Basel University of the Arts,
"Grounding Instruments: A fragmented study of (ecological) truth, matter and instruments", Fiber Festival, May 2023,
"Publication Launch 'Counter Cloud Mixtape' & BYOT", A Video Store After the End of the World, May 2023,
"How does soil prototype…?", IXDM Inaugural Lectures, Basel Academy of Art & Design, FHNW, Dec 2022,
"What is regenerative energy?", Climate(crisis) dialogues: the work of arts and humanities in contribution to the climate challenge, Linnaeus University, Nov 2022,
"Regenerative Energy and Queer Geochemistries" (keynote), Counter Parts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human, Oct 2022,
"How to reimagine this 2030m3 in all its depths and crossings", NESS - Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference: Emergency and transformation, Jun 2022,