About REC
Running from 2021-2024, Regenerative Energy Communities explored how current energy paradigms can be challenged and remade by energy approaches working with agroecology and regenerative agriculture’s commitment of not only maintaining but actively reviving and empowering the health and resilience of local ecosystems and the communities connected by them.
Funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, the project engaged members of the public interested in the crucial problems of contemporary energy practices through creative, community-inspired experiments with alternative approaches to energy provision. This included local farmers, growers and energy enthusiasts, as well as anyone interested in collectively exploring what possible forms a regenerative energy practice might take.
Through a series of workshops, energy and agriculture open lab workshops, talks, publications and free to replicate small-scale regenerative prototypes, we collectively experiment with and share a range of regenerative energy practices, concepts and propositions for energy approaches in support of just socioecological transformation.
People who we have farmed with

Our Project was partly located within the Brände Udde farm site hosted by VXO Farmlab, who describes themselves as: "a collective experimental urban farm space that explores local food economies, resilient food networks and regenerative cultural flourishings." VXO Farmlab follows in the footsteps of earlier active engagement with the Brände Udde site, especially the work of The Feminist Farmers and also the ongoing work of The Dirt.

Miranda Moss is a transdisciplinary cultural worker from Cape Town, focusing on socio-ecological sustainability through exploring the problematics and hopeful possibilities of technology. She has exhibited, performed research, made a mess, and given lectures and workshops across the globe in various art, science and public spaces. She is currently working at GaudiLabs.

Daniel Gustafsson is a designer and a trained product developer who teaches at the Department of Design+Change at Linnaeus University. He focuses on Research through Design (RtD) as well as negotiating an understanding of the world through physical objects and prototypes that may transmit issues, ideas and alternatives to be less abstract – formulating a space of thought and action for change. He is also very devoted to co-creating customised sports equipment for/with people with physical impairment.

Eric Snodgrass is a Senior lecturer at the Department of Design+Change at Linnaeus University. His research looks at techologically-informed infrastructures that work to imagine, materialise and sustain forms of change.

Helen V. Pritchard is a designer, developer, geographer, activist and queer love theorist. Developing methods to uphold a politics of queer survival and practice. They are professor and head of research at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; and a co-organiser of The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPi).
Friends of REC!
Some of the many and comrades we collaborated with at different points of the project!
Awareness In Art: https://www.weareaia.ch/
Åsa Sonjasdotter: https://asasonjasdotter.info/
Camilo Castillo: https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/camilocastilloe
Cassandra Troyan: http://www.cassandratroyan.com/
Critical Media Lab: https://criticalmedialab.ch/
Cristina Cochior: https://randomiser.info/
Damsö Design: https://damsodesign.se/
Decolonising Botany Working Group (Laura Burns, Youngsook Choi, Taey Iohe, Ayesha Keshani, Tuan Mami, Helen V. Pritchard) and Mama D Ujuaje: https://taey.com/decolonising-botany
Fermenting Data: https://fermentingdata.net/
Leah Ireland, Flow Studios: https://www.flow-studios.se/
Gabriela Aquije Zegarra: https://gabrielaaz.com/
Gaudi Labs: http://www.gaudi.ch/GaudiLabs/
Gillian Wylde: https://www.instagram.com/gillianwylde/
Hackteria: https://www.hackteria.org/
Helmi Hardian: https://www.instagram.com/helmihardian
Hillebil: https://www.hillebil.se/
Hofs Lifs: https://hofslifs.com/
Holding Surplus House: https://www.instagram.com/holdingsurplushouse/
Hosting Lands: https://hostinglands.com/
Jan Carleklev: https://carleklev.se/
Jorge Zapico: https://jorge.zapi.co/
Kibandu Pello-Esso: https://kibandupelloesso.com/about-me
Kolonierna: https://kolonierna.se/about-2/
La Forresta: https://laforesta.net/
Makery: https://www.makery.info/en/
Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard: https://mljuul.com/
Martina Huber: https://www.instagram.com/martinaannabellem/
Media Artes: http://www.mediaartes.info/
MELT: http://meltionary.com/
Nadia Campo Woytuk: https://nadiacw.com/
Nani and friends: https://www.instagram.com/nani.e.friends/
Nhà Sàn Collective: https://nhasan.org/about
Mot Nya Höjder: https://motnyahojder.com/
oracle(s): practicing speculative computation: https://elegantcollisions.com/oracles
Paula Pin: http://paulapin.net/
Permacomputing.net: https://permacomputing.net/
Ralf Schreiber: https://ralfschreiber.com/
Ren Britton: https://www.lorenbritton.com/
Roel Roscam Abbing: https://test.roelof.info/
Shih Wei-Chieh: https://shihweichieh.com/
Soil Assembly: https://soilassembly.net/
Søstrene Suse: https://urgentpedagogies.iaspis.se/baajh-vaeride-arrodh-let-the-mountains-live/
Sven Lauer
Swiss Mechatronic Art Society (SGMK): https://mechatronicart.ch/
The Dirt Sweden: https://www.instagram.com/thedirt_sweden/
⚡ The Energy Gods ⚡
The Feminist Farmers: https://www.instagram.com/thefeministfarmers/
The ghosts of IP
The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest: https://titipi.org/
Tuan Mami: http://tuanmami.com/
varia: https://varia.zone/
WAFT: http://waft-lab.com/
Wetlab Witches (Mathilde Lasnier, Betyul Hafazoglu, Smaranda Sirbu)
Winnie Soon & Lee Tzu Tung: https://www.siusoon.net/projects/forkonomy
Zeenath Hasan: https://zeenathhasan.net/