Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library // 10 June - 24 September, 2023 // WE ARE AIA gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Happy to share details of our exhibition at the WE ARE AIA gallery in Zurich! Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library will run for four months and feature a number of events and workshops. Below are the exhibition statement and workshop details. The full exhibition brochure can be downloaded here and descriptions of each of the works in the show are available here. Take this energy!
The Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library shares ongoing works and practices emerging from the Regenerative Energy Communities project. We are artists, designers, technologists, farmers and organisers exploring what possibilities lie in practices that aim to be regenerative. This involves experimenting with a range of different “regenerative” prototypes together with others. In the exhibition we ask, what do energy alternatives look like when we begin with the soil (humus: Latin for earth, ground) as a grounding for creative practice? How can we collectively define and cultivate a plurality of material practices of resistance, recovery, generosity, flourishing and pleasure?
AIA invited Regenerative Energy Communities as curators for their Co-habitations program, which asks “How do we want to live – now and in 100 years”? It’s hard to imagine the next decade, let alone the next 100 years, amidst the backdrop of rising violence, the war in Europe, and the intensification of mining for rare earth minerals to support the so-called green transition. Energy Giveaway at the Humuspunk Library proposes a future-we-need for energy and agriculture that might breathe energy into the deadness of relation we find in the current moment––a future of queerer relations, resistances and refusals of redemption. We approached companions, inviting them to make forks of previous works, diagrams, zines, shared recipes, run workshops with us and lend us ferments. A community transition-infrastructure for the ongoingness of the world.
Regenerative Energy Communities and friends, including Miranda Moss, Helen V. Pritchard, Daniel Gustafsson, Eric Snodgrass, 施 惟 捷 Shih Wei Chieh, Cristina Cochior, Marc Dusseiller, Hackteria, Helmi Hardian, Zeenath Hasan & TheDirt, Oliver Jäggi, MELT (Ren Loren Britton & Iz Paehr), Maya Minder, Nani & Friends, Paula Pin, SGMK, The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI) feat. Martino Morandi, Gillian Wylde, plus surprise guests!
Energy Giveaway events (pdf with opening weekend program)
9 Jun: Vernissage opening of exhibition as part of Zurich Art Weekend
10 Jun: Art + Science Talk - “There are No Clean Lines at the Edge” with Zeenath Hasan from TheDirt and Regenerative Energy Communities
11 Jun: “Loose Energy Curriculum workshop: Electric Field with Regenerative Energy Communities”
2 Aug: “Loose Energy Curriculum: micronoises; DIY microscope workshop, Performance by Omega Attraktor and open AV performances on the micro(be) energy level” with Paula Pin, Oliver Jäggi, Helmi Hardian, Miranda Moss, Marc Dusseiller and special guests, organised by Regenerative Energy Communities, Hackteria and SGMK
23-24 Sep: “Loose Energy Curriculum: Grow your own Solar panels” with 施 惟 捷 Shih Wei Chieh, Maya Minder, Wiriyar Mattanansuwan, Femke Snelting, Martino Morandi and Regenerative Energy Communities in collaboration with Hackteria and TITiPI as part of the CO-HABITATIONS programme
Photos 4-11 in the gallery by Nicolas Petit. Photos 1-3 & 12 by Eric Snodgrass. All photos licensed under CC4r