Harvesting Energy from wastewater, algae and fermenting microbes

Write-up of Krautsource Energy Workshop!

Teaming up with food, fermentation and feminist bioartist Maya Minder, and low-energy sound and kinetic artist Ralf Schreiber, we developed this collaborative workshop aimed at children, at House of Electronic Arts (HEK) in Basel, and Esch-sur-Alzette European Capital of Culture 2022, as part of the extended program of the exhibition. The workshop was a manifestation of REC's ongoing work with low-cost DIY fuel cell prototypes, where electrical generation is not a process of extraction, but one of care.

Thank you to Maya Minder for this writeup of Kraut Source Energy workshop that Maya, Miranda and Helen collaborated together on at the House of Electronic Arts (HEK).

We also made a Kraut Source Energy zine and so you can make your own even if you weren't at the workshop!

colourful image of hands holding sticky microbial dough like material with the words

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