
Explore our set of regenerative prototypes in the making through our series of wiki-to-pdf guides. These are learn it with others style guides sharing information on how to create each of the prototypes. If you do try any of them out, please feel free to share your experiments and stories with us, we would be happy to learn of further iterations!

Feral Circuits

This low power synthesizer, introduced to us by energy art friend Ralf Schreiber, has been an important companion throughout the project, allowing us to test/hear/feel different electrical energies generated by our prototypes and environments. Instead of relying on multimeters and other standard numerical measuring devices (which are not so good at handling small, intermittent energies anyway), the feral circuits have given us a more embodied sense of electrical energy, and a palpale imaginary of how electronic circuits could be more alive/sensitive/ and part of an ecosystem.

Learn more about the circuit and how to make your own

Calabash Speakers

Calabash, developed by the first materials scientists as sustainable containers thousands of years ago in Southern Africa, turn out to be wonderfully shaped for resonance and amplifying sound. We grew some in our studio (which we had to hand pollinate, pictured here), as well as harvesting some gourds from our neighbours on the farm. Then we fitted in some e-waste speakers and a little low energy amplifier. Charged by solar, it became a lovely boombox to take with us on adventures. We also made one powered by USB, with bluetooth connection.

Regenerative Digital Infrastructure


    - Greenhost,
(jitsi amazon)
    - Cryptpad
    - Kirby

    - wiki to PDF

    - various servers

Hydroponics Stack

Modular, slip-cast ceramic hydroponics stack

temperature changing energy harvester

Peltier - soil - air - sun -- polarity reversal day and night

Seed Turbines

Acorn end and winged seeds delicately built into micro wind turbines using small motors from the e-waste bin as generators. Mathilde pretends to be the wind. Click to see the gif!

Spore catapult

Trebuchet for dispersing oyster mushroom spores and regenerate heavy metal full soil! Made during the earthweek carpark-into-garden day. Click for gif.

Electromagnetic micro energy harvesters

AKA swayie-swayie; a series of experiments with magnets and copper coils... trees swaying in the breeze generating electricity...

Gravity Battery Disco Ball

When intermittent energy is available, a motor is powered and pulls up a weight (in this case it was a large crystal which just broke off the string so I'm turning it manually here). When we want to use the stored energy, the crystal slowly drops to the ground, turning the turbine and turning on a disco ball. Click for gif!

Crystal Energy

piezoelectricity experiments